The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas

Province of East Anglia


PGM's blog - May 2020

PGM's blog - May 2020

We are still in very uncertain times, so I trust that you are all safe and well and sticking to the Government advice.

I would like to thank VW Bro Karl Debenham, our new Provincial Grand Almoner, and all the Court Almoners, and Deputies, for all the sterling work that they have done in checking the welfare of all our members. So far, we appear to have been very lucky.

The Friday 16.15 hrs “Zoom into Athelstan East Anglia” is proving to be a successful vehicle for allowing members of the Province to keep in touch with each other. Once again I would like to thank VW Bro Karl Debenham for hosting this service. So far we have averaged 17 members per session, with 22 on 1st May. Why not give it a go, if you have not already done so.

We have enhanced the “Members Area” section of the Provincial website by adding a number of papers for your perusal. I hope that they will inspire some of you to produce an “original” paper of your own, whist you have time on your hands during the current lock down. I am considering offering a “prize” for the best one submitted to me by the end of August. Why not give it a go. No more than 1800 words.

You may be wondering whether, or not, the Provincial Grand Court meeting will take place on the 26th September. Your Provincial Executive have discussed this and at present are continuing to plan for it going ahead. However it does seem unlikely, at this point in time, and we will be guided by direction from the Grand Court Executive. We will inform you of the decision in due course.

Perhaps in these uncertain times it may be time to reflect on the key tenets of our Order Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding and try to apply them to the situation we find ourselves in at present . See my interpretation below. Yours may differ.

  • Knowledge - enlightenment (information, data, facts)
  • Wisdom - ability to make the right use of knowledge (perception, good judgement)
  • Understanding - sympathetic or amicable agreement of minds (empathy, tolerance)

In the meantime, please look after yourselves and your families over the coming weeks and I will be in touch again in due course.

Don’t forget to Zoom in on Fridays.

Yours sincerely and fraternally

Alex Allan

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