The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas

Province of East Anglia


PGM's Blog - July 2020

PGM's Blog - July 2020

I trust that you are all safe and well, and being careful, in this period of re-adjustment to the new “normality”. Personally, I am still being very careful and exercising extreme caution, as we are not out of the woods yet, as can be seen by the situation in Leicester and Blackburn.

While recognising the recent advice from U.G.L.E and M.M.H., the advice from Grand Court remains unchanged and all our Athelstan meetings in the UK are suspended until 2021.

Masonic Centres across East Anglia are currently assessing the possibility of re-opening after the COVID-19 closedown. Many have concluded that it is not practicable to re-open as yet, and will defer a decision until later in the year.

VW Bro Karl Debenham, our Provincial Grand Almoner, and all the Court Almoners, and Deputies, are continuing their sterling work in checking the welfare of all our members. So far, we still appear to have been very lucky.

The Friday 16.15 hrs “Zoom into Athelstan East Anglia” has grown in popularity and continues to get great support. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do.

The Tuesday evening “Zoom” meeting hosted by the Court of Herbert de Losigna is great fun, and thanks go to all their members for making it happen, and for the invitations they have extended to members across the Province. The ongoing adventures of the “Plague of Denver Hall” and of “Stevie the Wonder Cat” are worthwhile tuning in for.

There also all lessons on pre-decimalisation weights, measures, and currency, for the benefit of our “younger” members.

The Provincial Grand Court meeting will not now take place on the 26th September, in line with the directive from Grand Court. All appointed Officers will however assume their new Office from that date.

Finally, congratulations to all members of the Province who will be appointed, re-appointed or promoted in Grand Rank this year, namely:-

RW&EmBro Chris Ansell Grand Prior Re-appointment
W Bro Paul Lewis Past Junior Grand Warden Promotion
W Bro John Goldstone Past Senior Grand Deacon Promotion
W Bro Ramesh Khetani Junior Grand Deacon Promotion
W Bro Bob Riches Past Junior Grand Deacon Promotion
W Bro Gordon Easton Grand Captain of the Guards First appointment
W Bro Roy Winfield-Lowe Past Grand Captain of the Guards First appointment
W Bro Bharat Khetani Past Grand Captain of the Guards First appointment


W Bro Ramesh Khetani and W Bro Bharat Khetani, both members of the Court of Unity at Witisie, have been recognised for sterling work they have been doing within the Province of Lindsey. To have eight members receiving Grand Honours reflects well on the Province and I am proud of you all. Enjoy your preferment!

In the meantime, please look after yourselves, and your families, over the coming weeks and I will be in touch again in due course.

Don’t forget to Zoom in and have a laugh with your like-minded Brethren.

Yours sincerely and fraternally
Alex Allan

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