At the conclusion of the King Edward VII Chapter of Improvement's Demonstration of the 15th & 16th Degrees in London on the 24th April it was announced by Supreme Council that Ill Bro Roger Bathurst 32° will be awarded The Order of The Eagle & Rose. The announcement was very warmly received by everyone present. Ill∴ Bro Roger has been involved with the Chapter of Improvement for a number of years and is currently Chairman and Festival Preceptor. Roger is also, at present, MWS of Iceni Chapter No.1126 at Newmarket.
The Order of the Eagle & Rose is conferred on brethren who have given outstanding service to the Ancient & Accepted Rite under the Supreme Council for England & Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas and to date there have only been 12 brethren to have received the award since its introduction.
The award ceremony took place during the Installation Ceremony of V Ill∴ Bro Justin Curtis as the new Inspector General of the District of Cambridge and Isle of Ely on Monday 22nd May.
The Province of East Anglia is extremely lucky to have such a distinguished Rose Croix member in our midst.
Well done Roger!